Sunday 1 June 2014

The Purple Umbrella

Random things seem to keep happening, on the university campus. The place is truly turning to be more then just a place for learning intellectually but as more time passes. A place where I keep discovering small things or noticing things which before would have gone unnoticed.

Recently, while on one of the many procrastination breaks, I do not smoke, so I can not call the break a smoke break or a breather as many do. However, I do hang out in the quad talking to people about how hard our courses are while we spend half the time we should be studying complaining and then compensating by staying up late and trying to catch up on the work lost. A fellow procrastinator who was busy eating a bag of M&M's offered me some and thus became known in my little world of Alex as the M&M's Lady. I was in a very pissy mood so I am afraid I was very rude, while accepting the free chocolate (*I think I should be putting a small disclaimer here not sure about the rules but here goes, OTHER BRANDS AND COMPANIES ARE available [again not always on campus with the bloody machines taunting you about which you can or cannot have according to their bloody whimsical mood.])

Tangented a bit there sorry for that, back to M&M's lady, this was a while back and since then I have been thinking of ways to apologise to her about my rude attitude to her generous act of kindness. So today the opportunity arose and I tried to apologise, and after talking to her for five minutes (walking to one of the dispensers, which again sometimes make me believe are animated). I found out we had met a rather long time ago, I am to believe around 7-8 years. On one of the most influential events in my life, my first ever live in. After talking about this for more the half an hour, I out of the fact that I have an exam in eight hours. Begged my leave and it started raining, just my luck.

Or was it, M&M's lady, kindly offered me her purple umbrella which, I used on my way home, partly as a fashionable item, partly holding back the trickling rain which could potentially have turned into a down pour at a moments notice.

Again, sharing with you one random moment in my life, not such big deal. However this for me was a moment of joy, for the simple fact it was like finding a long lost friend,*note she is a long lost friend* but the interesting fact is if it was not for those M&M's which she offered me out of a purely random act of kindness and empathy for the stress of exams. We would not have realised we had known each other and would have kept going and practically living in the university common room area studying merely meters way and not have got into contact.

That reminds me, I still have not apologised for the rude behaviour I showed on accepting those M&M's back a few days. Something that is still on my to do list I would guess.

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