Sunday 22 June 2014

The longest year, or not!

This year, was a year of change, to say the least. A lot has happened, a lot was gained a lot was lost, but I am who I am and that's an other post found right below this.

No this is just a small note, a note to say that, I have survived though repeating at year at university. (Still waiting results), I have survived, being a failure, I survived making mistakes, I survived making massive erroneous judgement calls, and above all else I survived my brain.

This post is a note, to all those who like me last year, where found neck deep in sand, with a pounding headache and a faint note of rum among the sand on their tongue. You are you out of options, you can wiggle, scratch, dig yourself out of that hole, YOU will fall in it time and time again, you will break nails, you will crack bones, and you will cause avalanches to bury you again, but the people around you, who might or might not be there for ever, who might or might not want to help you will help you in a way or other, either by making you stronger.

Or by getting a shovel and help with the digging, and by the end of it, by the end of it you realise you have built yourself a rock solid foundation for a new fresh start.

Tomorrow is the day my fresh start was, my problems have changed, I can still see cracks which I need to return to, and holes as well which need refilling, but hey, what is life if you do not make mistakes that you can fix or at least try to fix.

Basically, this is a good luck to all those who are neck deep in sand or other materials which we shall not talk about on this blog, and if you need it god damn it ill give you a hand why not, I was given one, but I am warning you I might end up suck with you (and hopefully a bottle of rum).

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