Friday 6 June 2014

The Common Room.

Exams, are still on going and meanwhile here I can be found writing yet another one of my ramblings. To what end nobody knows, but at least it keeps me thinking that at least I am doing something 'productive'.

I have been as previously mentioned, and as many have come to know me, on the university premises for almost all of this exam season. It has been quite the experience, and it has led me to meet some of the most exceptional people; I swear I am dumb founded. While I am living in my own little world of thoughts and dreams, these people around me have shown me how to keep up with the exams; some have given me a good laugh, others just shared my pain as I prepared for an exam.

Thus today I will begin with the 'Bible' Lady, a friend which was made in this god forsaken room, she happened to have one of the best written out notes about a topic if not for her I would not have had a chance of maybe passing let alone go out of the exam feeling really good about how I did (note this has no relevance if I passed or not BUT the feeling should hopefully mean something). Then she did the same thing with 'scriptures' for another exam allowing me to look at them and read and write the notes on them.

There is the Afro dude, a close friend of mine who has his quirks, monkey moments, sleeping on almost any surface, but has been here with me sharing my pain and trudging through with me. Both of us helping each other to the best of our abilities. Doing whatever we can to try to stay afloat in the tidal wave of this examination session which has left us almost suffocating more than once. Through all of this we are still swimming this due to the ease with which we help each other; when one fails the other seems to have the solution for it. I admit, I am the one that does most of the sinking, and he does take care making sure I am keeping up.

There is the old granny, with the heart of a teenager, as lovely and generous a human being as they can get. SCARY, when she is behind the wheel and you happen to be crossing the road. However, when she is not, she has a heart of gold. Sharing and helping as much as she can, she will always find time to listen, talk or discuss something. She does have a bubble around her, which although she does not admit, she lets more than just one person in at a time and likes to have a party. Also she likes yellow, important to note she likes yellow.

There is then the guy who you do not mess with, but when you talk to him, get him out of his shell can be a hilarious person who is always up for some mischief. A brilliant brain, constantly thinking and processing things faster than most. Although sometimes a bit disorganised he has astounded me beyond belief more than once. I do also owe him twenty something marks for an exam when the night before he painstakingly stayed explaining an example which came out in the paper. I should get him a drink or two later on.

Then there are different groups which you talk to, who make your ten minute turn into an hour of cat videos, or pranks or that unnecessary food run.

The Health officials, three ladies always smiling with mischief, always up for a chat with anyone. There is the face planter, who on giving up for the night decided the best of ideas is to close her laptop and dump all her life and dreams away but planting her face on laptop face down and going to sleep. Then there is the one that never stops laughing, constantly laughing at every word, action or move one makes. I think stress got to her at some point but not sure about that. The last one is the touchy one, she likes to talk and discuss but hell no one is going to touch her Facebook and not face her wrath for the next few weeks. Still waiting for the bruise to go down.

The Lawyers (TO BE) the group always varies, however the trio at the top of the mischief are almost always there. The Shaggy T, Piano Hands and the Sir, talking to them you are guaranteed to start laughing nonstop. Their dark sarcastic humour is quite something, their view on life as well, but makes it all the worthwhile. The amount of pizzas, and other take away shared with them is troubling to mention, we all need to go to the gym for the next few months, maybe we could get a deal for the number of people we are.

The Gozitans, how can I not mention these guys, being one myself, but not part of the group. There is the drama king, his queen and their poor caretaker. The king makes every little thing into a large issue but makes the whole room laugh about it. His queen is sure to make sarcastic comments about the way things are working, although queen (keep in mind it’s a he) no words reach the kings ear. And their servant listens and face palms himself into misery.

The Italian, energetic, strong, charismatic, whenever you meet him you get that vibe of energy needed to keep pushing you forward through the night. He makes sure you are awake, he helps you when you need it and makes you work not because you need to work because with his energy, his enthusiasm he makes you want to keep working.

The Sis, she has not been seen for a while but it’s always a funny scene when she does. Being my actual sister, the interaction we have is funny to others more than us. Grumbling and moaning about our lives with our own little interpretation of things. Laughing at each other’s misfortunes and cursing the others when they are laughing at us, however she is my sister and I would not replace her with another. (I do have another but she is not yet at uni, YET)

There are so many more that I would not finish writing come tomorrow night, however this is the end of my procrastination and the start of my all nighter.

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