Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 3: On the third day!

This day was, tiring, draining but fulfilling. We had three massive debates, starting the morning, with a light discussion about the possibility of enlarging the EU, by light debate, we had countless questions to the speakers in question. Who where stunned by the groups involvement.

I could not contribute as much to this debate, solely based on the fact I never had given it much though, for me It was always the more the merrier, however the problem of a single state, blurring the lines of so many different cultures and nations, caused me to think what it really means to join the EU.

This however was nothing, in comparison with was coming up, Syria, they asked us a question and we where supposed to come up with an idea on how to solve the problem. The problem that everyone is trying to solve, the whole group was dumb founded on what to do. Everyone was proposing random ideas; someone suggested to split Syria into different states, someone suggested to help the rebels with an army and then my groups suggestion. Aid Assad to get stability back to the region and stop the massacres which are occurring. Then use this as a chance to rebuild a society, and give the people the chance for a democratic government, the price the Assad Regime it would have to pay to survive the war. Needless to say it was chaotic and before we knew it, we ran out of time, ran out of time to discuss. We continued even in our break to talk about it, wishing we can do something about this problem.The problem not of a dictator ship, but the problem of genocide.


What's next on the agenda, oh that thing ttip, you know that thing that no one knows anything about, and no one wants to say anything about it and no one wants to talk about and no one can talk about it. Why ? Because nothing has been launched officially, yet people are making a fuss about it like nothing before! SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING BEFORE TALKING! There I said it, that was my entire feeling about the matter, and it took me around 10s to say it no need for that pesky 2 minute timer (yes the organisers put a timer because we where taking so long in each debate that we drove them insane, sorry guys I apologise xD)

NOW FOR THE FUN BIT, the drinking, in the rain, in one of the oldest roads of Bratislava, with some of the best people in the world. Yea that's about how much I remember of the night, I know we ended in an underground club, then I was inside a shitty club, a crazy local was shoving people out of the way, then he was throwing old nokia phones at the floor trying to break the floor. Then I met with a crazy local fella, who took me around for drinks, then I  found a purple umbrella in the street which was broken, then I saw a drunk English lady sleeping on a sofa. Then I found myself drinking pepsi from a glass bottle, then I was walking home, then I was outside on the terrace talking to a new friend. Then I was sleep....It was a night to remember. xD Pity I dont remember it all in a coherent manner, but I know I have made some friends, that I will never lose as many years will pass, I will keep them close by.

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