Friday 31 October 2014


My, my, its Halloween and what a Halloween it is!

But wait, im living in Malta, the country which up to a few years ago, Halloween was quite a minor thing. What people trick or treating in the street? What children asking me about sweets for me to give them?!?!?!

What is this?

Its the affect of globalization, and a nice effect it is, holidays, days across the world. That we go though and unite us as one nation, borders don't exists, everyone known s the Christmas tree. Well know the pumpkin is in Malta as well. Its still not taken over with crazy pumpkins all over the streets, with wisps of smoke drafting from peoples doors, or mutants zombies crawling across the streets.

However its coming and every year its stronger, I remember the first time I dressed up for Halloween my mum told me. What are you doing?! What is this?

I answered, well they got a Halloween theme tonight at the pub. Who ever gets a costume gets a free shooter. I wore the punisher, simply drew a skull over a shirt and walked around in a trench coat and face paint. However 5-6 years later, now kids are running door to door trick or treating. Grown ups are dressing up, buying sweets and waiting at the door. People wait for this day and hand out sweets.

Maybe yes its me who grew up in Gozo, where we are still a tad more insulated then Malta. However its a growing phenomenon, slowly we will age and not realize we have accepted this as yearly tradition. Slowly we will give it our own Maltese twist, and slowly we will create our own Halloween legends.

We will make it our own. That's the beauty of globalization, we take what everyone can relate to and unify it with our culture so we can transmit our feelings and traditions to others. However that is also the sad part. This will slowly and surely take away parts of our identity in the process, but its only natural that it happens since we are a herd species, we do not and cannot exist on our own. The trick to a global society is indeed we have something we can relate to with each other, and different cultures and different traditions are something which are hard to unify.

The next step, towards a unified world, and the next step in the age of the internet. Which promotes above everything else, increased and almost non stop communication. I mean hell, if it wasn't for this step no one would be reading my ranting and rambling about this world.

Anyway What do you guys think? Am I talking out of my arse as usual or do you like me realize these small things? Which are slowly becoming part of our culture.

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