Friday 6 March 2015

Freedom. #1

Democracy, the freedom fighter have always fought for this ideology. The freedom of the west, though the power of this ideology, though the ability to be able to choose their leaders, and move their society towards a 'better' 'brighter' future.

With this in mind, a concept that is based on the idea that the majority of the people could not be wrong. How is our society today, those of us who experience democracy every day. What is our society, are we truly free? Are we truly in control of our destiny?

I sometimes question this, fair enough in my country, Malta, we had over 93.8 of our population who went out and voted in the last general election. This is a unique case in the world, apart form some countries who have made not voting illegal its one of the highest cases were people take it up to themselves to try and decide the future of their country. 

Yet, my question is how many of these voters understand what is happening, when they vote for a particular party. What is the definite feature, why we should vote for one party rather then the other? Sometimes this is simply based on the family tradition of it being on one side of the spectrum, or simply for personal favors, which has people selling their votes. These are what completely ruin the concept of democracy. 

Henry Ford once said: 'Choose what ever car, as long as it is Black', this is the 'freedom' which we deem our selves worth of.  Since I am including some quotes, I will use an other, Marx pointed out that in a Democracy we are simply choosing who is going to be the next dictator, and who will rule over us for the next five years with out us having a say in what they do. 

However this does not have to be, this imagine of freedom that we have, it is real, it is there it falls onto us to pick up the banner, pick up our lives and direct them in what ever direction we want them to be. We have the right of a vote, we have the right to change our society, our world. We cannot do this if we spend the entire day sitting at home complaining, that this government or that government, does not work. 

When we choose the government, we get the government we deserve. When we get the wrong government, it means we did not do the right thing, we did not vote right, we did not question, we did not challenge the parties enough.

I am not basing this off what happens in Malta, I am basing this of what I see happening all over the world, people complain, but they always forget that they are those who put their government up, and that if  they feel they made the wrong choice, well then, they have the right to challenge it and remind the government who put it there in the first place.

So next time you vote, challenge, ask and made a decision not based on what others tell you, but on what you think is honestly the best.

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