Saturday 12 September 2015

Summer, Catacombs and photos.

This should have been written a long time ago, buttttttttttttttttt I never got my hands on the photos that came that day.

So here I am writing with out those sources of inspiration that I had. Hoping that my memory can serve me about the day I had the chance to visit the Catacombs of St Paul for the first time.

Being a tour guide is not easy in Malta, there is simply to much to see. I mean literally every five minutes you will come across something of interest, now be it a 2000 year old ruin, a hastily put together DIY repair being carried out or some random activity happening.

So when I was asked where would be a great place to visit, I pointed towards Mdina, because why not?

Who did  I drag with me


he did not enjoy it I promise.


Anyway, so we go to Imdina, meet up with our foreigners, who shall be known from hence forth, camera girl and shadow finder. Why such names, well I think camera girl is easy to explain, anything that can be photographed (I AM WAITING FOR THOSE PHOTOS) has been photographed. While shadow finder, no she is not a fantasy hero, she is simply someone who can find the smallest of shadows and use it to hide against any sun ray possible.

But I digress, so we arrive at Imdina, usual stuff, photos of the walls, on the walls, with the walls. Photos with the cannons, pretty boring stuff really. Yet somehow, I still feel that sense of awe that I get every time I set foot in that place. It is as if I am covered with a blanket of feelings that I cannot explain, the history that place has is immeasurable. The things that happened there, I do not think anyone can ever imagine what passed on inside those walls, rather on the top of that hill.

After that, we still had time to kill, so we start running around Rabat, trying to find a place to visit and see...

that is when we ended at the catacombs of St Paul.

... Imdina Summer 2015 (1/3)

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