Tuesday 18 November 2014


Wow haven't talked in a while, and well I have been ignoring you people out there.

So a milestone was achieved and that is 8000 views, that means my rantings were read or at the least started to be read 8000 times. I am seriously worried about you guys, I mean you are listening to the ravings of a mad man. A MAD MAN! Setting jokes aside, this is truly an honor for me, I started blogging simply to find a way to improve my English, and make my sister bulling confined to her tearing apart my earlier pieces to shreds then posting them online.

And now here I am ranting, on and on and on. What will I be ranting about today? Well, that is indeed a question and a half. I started with a reason to write this blog, then remembered that I needed to thank you guys. (In my own fashion of course) anddd now I forgot.  I mean I am still writing, or am I just thinking aloud.

AHH!!!! yes, that's what I wanted to write about. Living life at 100%, how does that feel like? Well I know I cannot tell you that, because I never did, but what I can tell you is the change and shock in sensations I got recently.

So currently I am sick, got the flue no biggie, and was having some trouble breathing, again no biggie the usual right? Well with this happening I went to seek medical attention, and the doctor gave me a crap tone of, well you guessed it. OXYGEN! and some other things along with it, and man that felt GOOD.

My field of vision, doubled, the details I could taken in and process at the same time, grew exponentially. I could see, hear and experience so much. I felt alive, my brain going at a million miles an hour. I was thinking of all the things I could do and not do. Till it passed away, I felt, rather I never felt better.

Frankly I probably didn't feel any different from when I am normal, you know not sick. However, since there was such a short time for the meds to take effect. I swear in 15 minutes I was running and hopping around like a rabbit on crystal meth. That the effect I saw was insane, couple that with a good night sleep, well night and day. I was, I felt indestructible, till time came for sleeping, then I released how shit I actually felt.

Anyhow, so yea that is what has been happening in my life atm. I will write some more soon enough, I got some cool things coming up and I wanna share them with you guys.

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