Thursday, 17 December 2015

The curb

I was sitting,
bathing in the cold moon light.

The street lamps damping the light
fresh and cold
flooding the streets around me.

Yet I was sitting there,
smoking my cigarette,
sipping my beer.

The children were talking,
playing behind me

the streets were filled with their
the thud of the ball
hitting bouncing

I still sat,
in a world of my own
ignoring the reality

building around me
what I wanted comfort.

as I waited for the onslaught
of my inner daemons to hit
a wall
hit me.

They came
my troubles

my daily deeds,
my daily troubles,
my work,
my studies,

but at that moment
the world stood still

but for the smoke rising from
my cigarette but
and the crumpled beer can falling

in the bin

the world stood still
and  I could get back up

my moment of isolation
my moment to myself

I was ready to get back at it.

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