Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Dublin. Day one

So I arrived into the city though the airport, with my first though being.

Damn it's cold, but actually it's nice. This came after leaving Malta in sweltering heat, with temperatures rising up to 25-30 degrees due to Sun and humidity.

Anyway already tangenting, but yes my first thought. So I get out and meet Aneta who was going to the same place I was going. We get the bus and I get one of the loveliest trips though Dublin by night.

You know how usually you arrive to a country and you are like. $*@^/* WHERE AM I? HOW DO I GET THERE? /*#; $&#^

None of that, absolutely none of that. We arrived at the hotel (amazing hotel btw really bueatiful) Then that when I met with Matea, Pipiz and obviously the one and the only Mario. They are some of the most lovely people (and crazy) (I repeat bloody insane) I have met in a long time.

Since for most of us this was the first time in Dublin we went out hunting for a pint of Guinness. Man it was amazing, the night turned into a series of meet ups, dancing to Irish music or as a Brit once told me, Irish propaganda. Drinking (really expensive) beer, whisky and mead.

Then walking though the city at night, with Mario looking for beer (they so not sell beer after 10pm in non lisenced shops) and not finding anything.

When we got home. I know we where happy, and I knew I had just made some pretty amazing friends.

Dublin (1/3)
posted from Bloggeroid

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