Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Dublin | Airbnb

The second day started with a lot of moaning and struggling to get out of bed. Shake off the hang over which was sticking to me like a sheet of duct tape. This was done by crawling into the shower, and have a nice long bath.

This did in fact make me miss a nice Irish breakfast, which I must say upset me significantly. However, what I really was looking forward to was the breakfast that was promised to me at Airbnb. Then followed up by the experience, something which I could never have excepted, however more on that later on.

This was on a random bridge me tring to level up my selfie taking skills.
Then lets enjoy some of the scenery.
This was from a bridge while crossing over into the business district it was honestly amazing.
Wait, I was talking about Airbnb here right. SORRY! Got sidetracked a bit, honestly so much was happening that it sort of got in the way a bit, anyway, so here is how it went.

You walk into this place, which looks like a pub, honestly. It had draught beer and everything really, a fully stocked pub. While we were registering we made friends with our tour guide and of course the first person to talk to us. While shaking hands vigorously with the suit of Armour which happened to be lying around randomly. 

Then the big shock.

Three whole stories of people, row after row of desks, open plan office. Not a single barrier between each worker, for someone from outside like I was it was complete chaos, the chaos that one finds when they enter a house. Yes you read right, they looked like a gigantic family of 450 or so people. The amount of white astounded me, and this is something that made me cringe a bit, the amount of Macs to be seen. Then I was told, that the company makes sure that every person gets a Mac book, the moment they come in the building. They are given anything and everything they need. 

There is no me in the building there is us. 

Us, included the people who visited, we were waved at welcomed as if it was nothing. People made way for us, gave us space, directed us, opened doors. This was just insane, how amazing the place was.

After climbing to the top of the building we where given some of the most amazing breakfast I ever had. Fresh food, available buffet style, open for everyone, drinks, coffee anything you want available for you.

This is just a small drink area. (sorry for the bad photo I was rushing about)
It seems I might need to make this post into two since I have been just talking about the first few hours of the day. Then again there was so much to see and notice and comment about.

So with that I will leave you waiting for post number 3,

To be continued.

Dublin. Day one

So I arrived into the city though the airport, with my first though being.

Damn it's cold, but actually it's nice. This came after leaving Malta in sweltering heat, with temperatures rising up to 25-30 degrees due to Sun and humidity.

Anyway already tangenting, but yes my first thought. So I get out and meet Aneta who was going to the same place I was going. We get the bus and I get one of the loveliest trips though Dublin by night.

You know how usually you arrive to a country and you are like. $*@^/* WHERE AM I? HOW DO I GET THERE? /*#; $&#^

None of that, absolutely none of that. We arrived at the hotel (amazing hotel btw really bueatiful) Then that when I met with Matea, Pipiz and obviously the one and the only Mario. They are some of the most lovely people (and crazy) (I repeat bloody insane) I have met in a long time.

Since for most of us this was the first time in Dublin we went out hunting for a pint of Guinness. Man it was amazing, the night turned into a series of meet ups, dancing to Irish music or as a Brit once told me, Irish propaganda. Drinking (really expensive) beer, whisky and mead.

Then walking though the city at night, with Mario looking for beer (they so not sell beer after 10pm in non lisenced shops) and not finding anything.

When we got home. I know we where happy, and I knew I had just made some pretty amazing friends.

Dublin (1/3)
posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Sitting at a pub

Well I will give my comments do not doubt about my study trip which has opened my eyes in more ways then one.

However I got to describe the sensation of sitting down enjoying a quiet pint at a pub. A rather beautiful pub which I found attached withy hotel.

It feels, homely, quiet, calm and the Guinness goes the extra mile to calm me down to a complete stand still. It has been a long day, lots of walking a sprinkle of a crash course about what is looking to become one of the fastest growing industries in history.

The pub with it's lightening, the Myer of the crowd and the ambiance is lovely.

I understand what is truely one of the most beautiful aspects of this city.

Dublin, your pubs have taken my heart.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, 19 October 2015

Bus stops

Bus stops everywhere, and yet not a bus to be seen. This situation is getting to the point of beyond ridiculously ridiculous. I am at a loss on how this country works, and I am even more grateful that I have a bicycle allowing me to get anywhere I need really fast and easy.

Then again I cannot take the bicycle with me into the Cinema, can I. Thus starts my journey to get on a bus.

First thing I realise, what the he'll was going though people's minds when they made the time table?

I understand there being a much smaller demand on Sundays since people staying indoors and or go around in their personal cars.

But wait, so instead of having 3-4 busses passing everywhere hour. Now we have 1 on Sunday's.

The question obviously is then, if the bus actually passes or not from said locations. It can get to a stage where not bus passes for hours or then a huge number of them pass at once.

Why is there this inconsistency in our systems? Who knows, what I know is judging by my friends Facebook walls, judging by the number of students, workers, commuters who complain non stop. Day in day out being heard on the news. Traffic jams starting at 6 am. People waking up earlier and earlier to get to work, school and who knows what else.

Think of all the hours wasted. Think of all the time that is lost? Is that not money? Think about it, if your job pays you 5e an hour and it takes you 1-2 hours to get there and 1-2 hours to get home.

The job would be not just a normal 8 hour shift, it would be a 10-12 hour shift. If you do the maths the lost 4 hours would have been better spent even sleeping rather then on transport.

There I ranted now it's out of my systems....
and yet the bus is still not here!

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Malta tal-Maltin


Shall we start kicking out all those immigrants? Shall we start taking out boat by boat, plane by plane all those who came to this island.

Wait wait, does that mean Joe from down the road who came from America needs to leave as well? Or what about Francesco, the Italian who opened that pastry shop ten years ago? One minute, don't I have some ancestor who comes from Syria, or England.

What makes a Maltese a Maltese? Think about it for a second?

Let's start with our history, Malta's entire history is built on trade, a center of trade in the Mediterranean. That meant sailors, merchants, slaves and all kinds of 'immigration' happened. Creating one of the most culturally diverse places possible in the Mediterranean occurring.

That means, we, the Maltese are actually a conglomeration of centuries of immigration, legal, illegal, forced or other wise. Our genetic code itself is a patch work made up of all possible combinations. This is what happens when one lives at the cross roads of the world.

One of our most famous irregular immigrants. Find a wonderful article about the story of St Paul on Think Magazine.

Now we are yet again the cross roads once more, we are between Africa and Europe. That means wave after wave of irregular immigrants are coming trying to escape the chaos, poverty and war being ravaged in the south. Apart from this, Europe itself is suffering from a gigantic influx of immigrates from the east, with people escaping the war in Syria, and more importantly escaping ISIS.

So, do you really want to keep Malta for the Maltese?

Then tell me, what defines a Maltese person?

Someone who looks and talks in a particularly trashy way. Someone who acts or dresses in a specific manner. Why do I keep periodically see some really close friends and some people I highly respect being trashed on social media?

Why do they get trashed? They get trashed because they have a different skin colour, or belief. They get trashed because they are humans who are different from the norm, but are not scared of being so. Maltese citizens though and though, never had to integrate with our culture but this is their culture. They grew up in Malta, and they know nothing else, they do not have an other culture which they have to integrate into ours, because our culture is theirs.

So please next time that you see someone who slightly divergest from the norm, think twice before telling them to go back home, because it could be right next door to yours.

A fellow citizen of Malta, like you and me.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Water and a bunch of crazy freshers.

This year, I decided to attend the famous Water Fight done by two of the craziest faculties at my university. I went to the side and found two massive water tanks holding the limits of the battle. The objective is simple, find the president of the organisation, and drag them to the other end. It is essentially a tug of war, with two people being beated the crap out of.

The Horde
Well two people...before we get into the end of the story, let us enjoy some details.

The scene is set, then a horde of people shows up, all dressed up in black. War paint on, screaming murder armed to their teeth with water balloons, carrying flags, and while chanting non stop. All this to challenge their mortal enemies the Law students to appear. Who seemingly, and one would understand their reluctance for approaching the architecture students who looked like Daemons, did not want to come out.

The Lawyers Show up.
However they soon came out all clad in white and blue. The 'People of justice', as if you can find an honest laywer BUTTT I digress. Carring a massive banner taunting the architecture students, however as soon as they appeared they were received with the first shots. Huge water pipes were opened, and the massacre started, with a massive push being carried out by SACES who took control of the situation and dived for Nigel, the President of Elsa.

With credit to the President, I have to take my hat off for him. I have never before seen someone so determined to not being carried. He fought non stop, his shirt ended being torn off him, completely drowning in a sea of black. However it was clearly inevitable, the law students tried to make a stand however it was to no avail since they had no idea what was happening.

Thus SACES for an other year took the crown once more.

Honestly, thought, I was unimpressed by one thing.

Free Shower in 3..2..1
I WAS SHOWERED FROM HEAD TO TOE! and I was just standing in the sidelines...

BUT it was a pretty amazing experience!!! Wuhu.!!