I get up,
I open my eyes,
I frown,
I try to go back to dreaming.
I panic,
I am late
I scuffle out,
I get to uni.
I work,
I play,
I care,
I love.
I find motivation,
I find passion,
I find compassion,
I find time.
I work,
I go home,
I get ready,
I go out,
I fall in love,
I get heart broken,
I fall in love again,
I get my heart stitched up.
I fall down,
I get up,
I fall again,
I stand up.
I don't give up,
I don't stop,
I dream,
I live.
I love,
I dream,
I care,
I am Alex.
This is the space were I ramble, talk, write poetry and say what ever crosses my mind!
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
You get up.
Open your eyes.
Get out of bed.
Put on an outfit.
Pick up your stuff.
Go to work.
You work,
You eat,
You work.
Get home,
Go out.
Meet people,
Make out,
Make love.
Go home,
Open your eyes.
Get out of bed.
Put on an outfit.
Pick up your stuff.
Go to work.
You work,
You eat,
You work.
Get home,
Go out.
Meet people,
Make out,
Make love.
Go home,
Sunday, 29 March 2015
and warm.
yet strong.
small space.
in an other.
with out saying anything.
what the other needs.
See me?
Question me.
Talk to me?
Do not be shy.
I am open,
I am opinionated
You might get more,
MUCH more then you bargain for.
But hey
I like to answer!
I will answer!
I always answer!
Is my passion,
I can talk about the hairs on a leaf,
I can talk about the East West Politics.
I can talk about how long a limpets penis is,
While discussing Leonardo and Michelangelo.
I can write poems,
While thinking of electrodes.
If there is,
Anything that I love more,
Is giving you an answer!
So I can keep your company.
Such a fickle thing,
It gets to you,
It takes you,
It makes you,
I helps you.
When it goes.
When it ends.
You are left in the cold,
Others move forward,
You try to follow.
But not all manage.
I stay behind.
Such a fickle thing,
Love is,
what drives us forward.
It is makes us,
Get up,
It gives us,
We do the impossible,
We move mountains,
We change our lives,
We become the best of us.
I am,
A hopeless,
I am cursed to love,
I am blessed to love.
I love so much.
I know the pain
Of not feeling,
Saturday, 28 March 2015
It strikes,
When you least think.
It leaves,
With out breath.
It makes,
Who you are go.
It does,
Where none else can.
It happens,
When you least expect.
It breaks,
What you have built.
It removes,
Who you are.
When you least think.
It leaves,
With out breath.
It makes,
Who you are go.
It does,
Where none else can.
It happens,
When you least expect.
It breaks,
What you have built.
It removes,
Who you are.
It started with a blip.
A glorious blip.
A mistake
An error.
A story,
Who knows,
For it was a blip.
It continued and grew.
Festered and bloomed.
Love it might have been.
Yet this will never be known.
Ended it was.
Before it,
Made its final debut.
A waft of air.
A draft of beer.
A myriad of questions,
Yet the story.
Will never be known.
A draft of beer.
A myriad of questions,
Yet the story.
Will never be known.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Il-Kbir!!!!!!!!!!!! (The Big One)
Yes the English translation does not do it justice, well then again neither does the Maltese word. The big one, is just one of the many words, which are used to explain and try to classify people who manage to achieve something or are known to do incredible things, and feats.
Such as;
Such as;
- Super hard working.
- Able to hold in their bodies eternal amounts of alcohol.
- Party like no one else before them.
- Generally are nice people.
Other words which continue to this day confound me, are 'il capo', 'l-imkisser', 'l-imfarrak'. All these words which some how have made it in the vocabulary of the generation which I am living in right now. These words have means which have been warped and adapted to suit the needs of the age.
Similar as how the word 'Mazza' which is literally a sledge hammer or hammer if you get the smaller version, if you do a direct translation. Means someone who is exceptionally good looking, or simply knows how to put on a shit ton of make up and make it look as if it is 'natural'.
Oh my, someone woke on the wrong side of bed this morning. Yes I did I guess, but this is something that has pissed me of terribly, I feel awkward telling someone they look gorgeous or beautiful, because they think I am hitting on them. So instead I need to use a derogatory term, which is demeaning in my eyes but anyway, away from the point.
Why are these words used, to explain someone who is exectional is understandable, and from two years ago, when I started hearing these words I understood that, these were terms reserved to the very few at the top of the food chain.
Now, either I have reached the top of the top of the food chain, where all the people are worthy of such a title, but honestly when I hear people telling it to each other as if it is some form of compliment, it makes me think. Why are we both complimenting each other with what is supposed to be a special title, if we all are holders of such a title. The title in itself has lost the reason for its existence.
Just a small thought for your day.
With that said, I do believe that almost everyone I hang out with it is super exceptional and unbelievably unique, intelligent and resourceful. Inspirational people, who everyday help me in one way or an other making me grow as a human being.
Happy Sunday people. XD.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Suit up!


posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 13 March 2015
A Dancing Moon.
The moon walked the earth,
Dancing in the shadow,
Of the great big sun,
Yearning for her attention,
Yet never this came,
The moon danced,
On its own right,
Dancing and dancing,
Yet the sun looked away,
Never realising her lover.
Thus the moon walked,
Away from the earth,
Hiding from the sun,
Sadness filled its heart,
So it danced alone,
In the shadow of her,
He danced and danced,
Till the night waned and the day came.
Dancing in the shadow,
Of the great big sun,
Yearning for her attention,
Yet never this came,
The moon danced,
On its own right,
Dancing and dancing,
Yet the sun looked away,
Never realising her lover.
Thus the moon walked,
Away from the earth,
Hiding from the sun,
Sadness filled its heart,
So it danced alone,
In the shadow of her,
He danced and danced,
Till the night waned and the day came.
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, 6 March 2015
Freedom. #1
Democracy, the freedom fighter have always fought for this ideology. The freedom of the west, though the power of this ideology, though the ability to be able to choose their leaders, and move their society towards a 'better' 'brighter' future.
With this in mind, a concept that is based on the idea that the majority of the people could not be wrong. How is our society today, those of us who experience democracy every day. What is our society, are we truly free? Are we truly in control of our destiny?
I sometimes question this, fair enough in my country, Malta, we had over 93.8 of our population who went out and voted in the last general election. This is a unique case in the world, apart form some countries who have made not voting illegal its one of the highest cases were people take it up to themselves to try and decide the future of their country.
Yet, my question is how many of these voters understand what is happening, when they vote for a particular party. What is the definite feature, why we should vote for one party rather then the other? Sometimes this is simply based on the family tradition of it being on one side of the spectrum, or simply for personal favors, which has people selling their votes. These are what completely ruin the concept of democracy.
Henry Ford once said: 'Choose what ever car, as long as it is Black', this is the 'freedom' which we deem our selves worth of. Since I am including some quotes, I will use an other, Marx pointed out that in a Democracy we are simply choosing who is going to be the next dictator, and who will rule over us for the next five years with out us having a say in what they do.
However this does not have to be, this imagine of freedom that we have, it is real, it is there it falls onto us to pick up the banner, pick up our lives and direct them in what ever direction we want them to be. We have the right of a vote, we have the right to change our society, our world. We cannot do this if we spend the entire day sitting at home complaining, that this government or that government, does not work.
When we choose the government, we get the government we deserve. When we get the wrong government, it means we did not do the right thing, we did not vote right, we did not question, we did not challenge the parties enough.
I am not basing this off what happens in Malta, I am basing this of what I see happening all over the world, people complain, but they always forget that they are those who put their government up, and that if they feel they made the wrong choice, well then, they have the right to challenge it and remind the government who put it there in the first place.
I am not basing this off what happens in Malta, I am basing this of what I see happening all over the world, people complain, but they always forget that they are those who put their government up, and that if they feel they made the wrong choice, well then, they have the right to challenge it and remind the government who put it there in the first place.
So next time you vote, challenge, ask and made a decision not based on what others tell you, but on what you think is honestly the best.
The Fury of Keys.
Being stuck in the library, ironically enough writing a really long report for one of my credits. I forgot a key piece of my equipment, my head phones. My music, cannot be played inside the library, so I am stuck listening to the rhythm of my own typing among other sounds found in the library.
Such a sound which usually I considered to be completely and absolutely inconspicuous, has quite a certain characteristic about what I am feeling, the annoyance of the lengthy of the report, the helplessness when I do not know what I need to write and the absolute and powerful strokes of when I am decisive and am capable of writing long and lengthy pieces in one go. With the hopefully notes sounding soon as I reach the end of a segment.
This has led me to try and write here on this blog, which resulted in quite a interesting thing, being in this state of self awareness, I noticed something about how I am writing here in this space, about it being softer and quite peculiar. The tempo is quite different, slow and meaning full or thought out. However it still makes me think about how something as simple as typing out our thoughts out, instead of writing them, can maybe perhaps bring forward some emotion to the rather blank and standard letters we find on the internet. Understanding that fonts exists, but going back to writing by hand, the mood one is in while writing, happy, sad, angry make one think. What if we could hear the sounds of the writers typing away happily across the internet.
I would imagine it would be quite noisy yet, intriguing way to perhaps understand one an other more. Of course it would be completely impractical, apart from it being a nuisance that in the library you open up a document and you hear the sound of a million letters being typed out as you are reading long and quite often complex studies,
Unless the only sounds you here are the repeated tapping of three specific keys, the use of CTRL + C, CTRL + V.
Such a sound which usually I considered to be completely and absolutely inconspicuous, has quite a certain characteristic about what I am feeling, the annoyance of the lengthy of the report, the helplessness when I do not know what I need to write and the absolute and powerful strokes of when I am decisive and am capable of writing long and lengthy pieces in one go. With the hopefully notes sounding soon as I reach the end of a segment.
This has led me to try and write here on this blog, which resulted in quite a interesting thing, being in this state of self awareness, I noticed something about how I am writing here in this space, about it being softer and quite peculiar. The tempo is quite different, slow and meaning full or thought out. However it still makes me think about how something as simple as typing out our thoughts out, instead of writing them, can maybe perhaps bring forward some emotion to the rather blank and standard letters we find on the internet. Understanding that fonts exists, but going back to writing by hand, the mood one is in while writing, happy, sad, angry make one think. What if we could hear the sounds of the writers typing away happily across the internet.
I would imagine it would be quite noisy yet, intriguing way to perhaps understand one an other more. Of course it would be completely impractical, apart from it being a nuisance that in the library you open up a document and you hear the sound of a million letters being typed out as you are reading long and quite often complex studies,
Unless the only sounds you here are the repeated tapping of three specific keys, the use of CTRL + C, CTRL + V.
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