Friday, 31 October 2014


My, my, its Halloween and what a Halloween it is!

But wait, im living in Malta, the country which up to a few years ago, Halloween was quite a minor thing. What people trick or treating in the street? What children asking me about sweets for me to give them?!?!?!

What is this?

Its the affect of globalization, and a nice effect it is, holidays, days across the world. That we go though and unite us as one nation, borders don't exists, everyone known s the Christmas tree. Well know the pumpkin is in Malta as well. Its still not taken over with crazy pumpkins all over the streets, with wisps of smoke drafting from peoples doors, or mutants zombies crawling across the streets.

However its coming and every year its stronger, I remember the first time I dressed up for Halloween my mum told me. What are you doing?! What is this?

I answered, well they got a Halloween theme tonight at the pub. Who ever gets a costume gets a free shooter. I wore the punisher, simply drew a skull over a shirt and walked around in a trench coat and face paint. However 5-6 years later, now kids are running door to door trick or treating. Grown ups are dressing up, buying sweets and waiting at the door. People wait for this day and hand out sweets.

Maybe yes its me who grew up in Gozo, where we are still a tad more insulated then Malta. However its a growing phenomenon, slowly we will age and not realize we have accepted this as yearly tradition. Slowly we will give it our own Maltese twist, and slowly we will create our own Halloween legends.

We will make it our own. That's the beauty of globalization, we take what everyone can relate to and unify it with our culture so we can transmit our feelings and traditions to others. However that is also the sad part. This will slowly and surely take away parts of our identity in the process, but its only natural that it happens since we are a herd species, we do not and cannot exist on our own. The trick to a global society is indeed we have something we can relate to with each other, and different cultures and different traditions are something which are hard to unify.

The next step, towards a unified world, and the next step in the age of the internet. Which promotes above everything else, increased and almost non stop communication. I mean hell, if it wasn't for this step no one would be reading my ranting and rambling about this world.

Anyway What do you guys think? Am I talking out of my arse as usual or do you like me realize these small things? Which are slowly becoming part of our culture.


They come in many shapes,
andddd sound.

But they all cause
people to run


well because they are farts you dumb ass,
and what do farts do?
Well they smell
and they usually ain't pretty.


pretty is not
an option

however, life
life is just a fart,
that we try to run away from

However, the door
its locked
and the window its closed.

So we just have to learn
how to live with it
and fart just a little bit more.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

University! A rant about something which may or may not make sense!

Soon it will be a month since the first of this month, well what am I saying. I am saying soon believe it or not freshman's you will have finished your first month at University. However, have you started to realize you have so much work, you have started to realize its time to forget about working with those pesky organisations.

The time for you to start focusing on your studies and get those grades. Well be my guest, however I do believe that will beat the point of even coming to university in the first place. Not to sound, like I do sound most of the time an annoying twat with a sens of diligence to move the world around. No I want you to listen to me, or rather what I have to say.


Here you do not come to learn about how the great grand-master of the 12th century of that order of knights rules some obscure part of the world. You learn why he did so!

You do not learn how molecule A and molecule B bond together to form molecule C though the mechanism D. You learn how to read mechanisms!

You are here to learn, how to teach yourself to survive the world out there. And trust me, no dont trust me, I am still a simple student like you. Trust those around you, the world sucks, and it will hit you, it will kick you and push you down.

However, when it does that what do you do? You stand up on your feet and keep on laughing at your mistakes.

Where am I going along with this?

Well, I am going to the place which tells you ENJOY your time at university, get to do some hobby. It doesn't necessarily mean you enter and take over an organisation with unimaginable energy. (Although please do, because it is such a refreshing feeling knowing your not alone for those of us who do spend time to do these things)

No, I mean take a hobby, do something for yourself. Because this is the time, not when you are old and wrinkly, with a million and one worries. Not when you are getting married and with kids, not a second for yourself.

No the time is now, do something you like, and if you cannot think of anything that you will like, then start running, running is always good. I guess this also applies to me, sometimes I do focus to much on what I have to do however, I forget the nice things in my life, or rather choose to ignore the most important person in my life.

I am the most important person in my life. Why? because I am a self centered bastard? No, because if I am not able to take care of myself I will break down and cause problems for those around me and I will not be able to live with myself.

So take care of yourselves, at university, what really is the most important thing that you will learn?

Apart from almost all lecturers are evil?
That exams are impossible?
That you will not be able to hold a diet?
That everyone hates you?
That you are a special case?

I will tell you,

Its that you will always survive if you keep trying no matter how hard it gets going, and when it gets to much, do not be afraid to ask for help. I do it all the time, help and advice. It will help you grow and become a better person.

So what should we do?

Lets all start running together, at the very least we will loose some weight and look good for the next time we have to hand in our assignments. Speaking about those I should get back to writing the ones due next week. Toodles xD

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


I will have to admit,
Eyes, always have,
Without pause,
Without faltering.
Always impressed me.

Why do you ask me?

For they are the windows
to the inside of one's soul?

For they are the only way,
we can talk without lying?


Its because, no-one understands,
Eyes, are what we use to see the world,
However what do we see when we look into someone else?

We see our reflection,
We see what they think of us,
We see love,
We see pain,
We see hate,
We see warmth,
We see cold.

We see ourselves through the sight of others.
We are what those around us make us to be.

We grow, based on what believe we are,
We live, how others see us live.

Eyes, excite me,
they interest me.

I want to grow,
I want to better myself,
So every day I look into someone else's
Eyes, and yet I wonder,
What do they see in mine?

Friday, 24 October 2014

Tell me what to write: The Evolution of Sex and Death

So what is this? Basically I need a hobby and since it's sometimes hard to come up with inspirations about what to write, well I will ask you guys and you will give me something to write about. What I see and fancy I will write. Hope this experiment will do well, please keep in mind usually I will not research in detail what I will write unless stated so, but just give my opinion and overall view on the topic, so I am subject to be criticized and you are allowed to tell me Alex you are bloody wrong, and I will say, well I am and I will amend as needed, or tell you to sod off according to what the topic is about.


Edward Duca asked me to write about:

The Evolution of Sex and Death:

Well, this is a tricky one, and it needs some research, however I am currently writing five reports on, well, the shoreline and it's bloody annoying to do more research. So instead I will scavenge the depths of my brain for something about the topic.

If I remember right, sex is a form of immortality or, to use a less powerful term, cheating death. This is putting it in the simplest terms possible. What do I mean by this? Well, put it this way. What are we made of?

Most of you if not all should be saying, cells and stuff. Well you are correct, we are made up of cells. Which in turn are made up of? Ok this one is a tad harder: protein. They are made of protein amongst other things. Proteins are called the building blocks of life. Thus as the name would suggest, this means that they are needed for life to exist. However where do they come from?

They come from data stored inside DNA, RNA and stuff of the same sort. Yes I am pointing to you, genetics out there. These genes hold the secret to replication of protein, that means they hold the recipe for the building of organisms which are alive and not a dead mush of stuff. Especially when these are built in a specific way that form us. Everything we see around us is built by the data stored inside the genes of living organisms.

Was I on a tangent? Well yes and no. I gave you the information you needed to understand why we are immortal. Or rather how we can be immortal, have you figured it out? No, well ok.

You're with me to the point of hearing that genes are what hold the information to build proteins which in turn allows living organisms to exist right? How is this information transferred? Its transferred through, well you guessed it SEX, and hallelujah a lot of sex occurs all over the place. Everyone is out there trying to fuck the brains out of the opposite sex or of itself (asexuals we will not discriminate you here on this page we feel your pain amoebas) Why? So it can make sure that its genetic code, the genes are transferred to the next generation.

(Just to check that you're actually reading my revisions: Hello Alex's audience, I proofread his stuff because his grammar's an absolute travesty and an insult to human existence)*The Dragon* [Decided to leave this here because its awesome]*Alex*

 Yes, over time, changes occur, there is the odd mutation or bad coding. However more or less we transfer our genetic code to the next generation. Technically speaking for us humans, if we have four kids we have the chance of having fully transferred our genetic code across to the next generation.

Literally we would be living inside our children, and we are the living embodiment of our ancestors. Yes we would die, our bodies will deteriorate, however our genetic code will move on. How do we die? How is our immortality stopped? This will happen if we do not reproduce if we do not transfer our genetic code to the next generation and we do not replicate our DNA (in the case of humans).

So sex, is a way that we managed to evolve to beat death, and gain immortality. However this immortality will over time change and new features will grow, new characteristics will show. And this is the product of evolution, of the growth of a species which is able to adapt to its surroundings. This doesn't mean that the genetic code has completely mutated and changed but rather, it shows that we where able to adapt to our environment.

I understand there can be gaping scientific holes in my description and there probably are, so if you would be so kind as to show them to me I would appreciate. Other wise, Ed hope you enjoyed this xD!

Monday, 13 October 2014

How to make friends!

Well it goes about something like this:

1. Talk for some other reason then to get into the other persons pants.
2. Try to meet up for coffee, tea, beer, water, wine, whiskey... you get the picture!
3. Be honest and direct to the point, how ever disgusting, strange or weird you are, people will like it.
4. Hug, open yar arms wide and HUG THEM MOTHER F*****'s.
5. Not read blogs on how to make friends, that's just plain weird dudes. GET OUT THERE!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


From the pan into the fire.

That was my reaction yesterday and today when I went to buy a coffee and a small snack from the new canteen. The price outrageous, the quality, mediocre at best, although I must give them credit they did make the place look nice. However, when I walk into the canteen I do not walk in to feast with my eyes, my salivary glands need to be satisfied.

And both time's I walked straight out and went to the health shop, which although still expensive was still a better option. Why? Well because I am not going to fork out 50c for a pastizz, nor am I going to pay 1.30 for a simple coffee which comes in a glorified paper cup.

I would expect these prices, and I would pay these prices if I am looking for food at a posh, area in Malta which would be tailored for people who can afford these prices. Well instead, I am getting these prices at the University Canteen. Key word University, the place which is over run by hungry and penniless beings, like myself, called students. Who would kills for a glorious cup of coffee, to keep their eyes open during their long hours of arduous torture, also known as reading for a degree.

I understand, we try to keep an image up, at least a large majority of us do. However, please do realize that these prices are to high, and frankly do not make sense, since I can go 10 minutes away to get much cheaper food, (THANK YOU NEW PASTIZZERIJA WHO JUST OPENED).  Cheaper coffee, and if I want to go fancy really fancy, I can always go to New Yorks Best, I mean they are expensive as it gets but, at least they have sincerely good food.

Before people will judge me, for not actually going to the place and tasting the food, the quality and the variety. I will do so in due time, since I am a penniless student, and a lot of pennies are needed. Well this will take a while, I guess thank god stipend is coming in soon!


Im in love,
I am completely and utterly in love,
but not with anyone no,

Im in love with love,
the concept of love.


not being loved,

Yet loving someone,
was the biggest pain
I ever lived though.

However, living with out either,
not loving or not being loved,


So I thrug on,
looking for love.

Not from anyone,
no I look for love.

the ideal.

where it is,
I do not know,

love is what is killing me
yet love is what makes me move forward.

I am in love with the concept of love.
A foolish endeavor.
For love will never love me back,
Yet maybe,

The hope of finding,
finding and asking.
Why am I so addicted to it?

The hope,
makes me go on.